Sunday, May 3, 2009
Go there for a plethora of yummy ideas!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Checking In...

Bathtime 4
Originally uploaded by gaffentine
I know I haven't posted here in a long time...I've been a little busy. :) I hope to have more recipes to try, and more time to try them, in the near future as the days get shorter and the oven begins to do double duty as a way to heat the house!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hot Chocolate?

Whipped whites
Originally uploaded by gaffentine
Pudding with Whipped Cream?
Go here to find out what this is (and how to get some for yourself...)!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Gourmet Pregnancy
Corn, spinach, cheese, yogurt, tortilla, tomatillo, onion, garlic, butter, brown sugar, salt, jalapeno...
Who am I trying to kid? We had homemade kettle corn (corn, butter, brown sugar and salt), cheese-and-spinach quesadillas (cheese, spinach, tortillas and Greek yogurt, which is an excellent substitute for sour cream when you've run out) and salsa verde (tomatillos, onion, garlic and jalapeno).
Matt will probably never again say "Whatever you feel like" when I ask what we should have for dinner.
Monday, June 9, 2008
It's the Little Things
Just need to line up some ducks, first.
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A New Resource
And I made the Alexis' Brown Sugar Cookies, halving the vanilla extract and replacing it with almond extract. And they are HEAVENLY, and there is only one left now, so I might be making more chocolate chip cookies tomorrow...

Friday, May 23, 2008
The Leftover Pasta of Summer

It's all in the presentation
Originally uploaded by gaffentine
I made dinner from leftovers last night. (And ate THOSE leftovers for lunch today!)
I had some extra steamed asparagus, a few cherry tomatoes going soft, fresh baby carrots (REAL baby carrots: just the tiny ones, fresh out of the ground, not the ones you get in a bag that have been miniaturized with an awl, or something...) fresh radishes, a bit of leftover radicchio and some other greens.
I heated some water for pasta, while I grabbed the rest of a bag of TJoe's frozen shrimp out of the freezer (a weakness of Matt's), and put it in a bowl of cool water. Added some butter and about a half cup of white wine to the shrimp in a pan, and let it simmer for a few minutes, while angelhair pasta boiled away in the pot of water. Drained the pasta, transferred it to another pan and added a pat of butter, the asparagus (cut up) and the tomatoes (halved). Stirred it around a bit, just until the asparagus and tomatoes were no longer cold, and then plated it up with the shrimp over all.
Sliced a few carrots and radishes, sprinkled them over the radicchio and greens, and called it dinner!