Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Things for Fall

In-depth research has shown that there is a Farmer's Market somewhere within a twenty mile radius EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. (Except Sunday, that one's forty miles away.) Sometimes there's two. Or three.

The past several Mondays have seen trips out to the sleepy little beach town of Los Osos with Sarah and Baby Rebekah, with lots of raspberries that don't make it back to the car unconsumed, and some mild heckling from those really annoying people who stand at the entrances to these markets trying to get you to sign something (and most likely being paid for it rather than really caring about the issue. I really dislike those people). We never buy the baked goods, though, because we've also been meeting up at the house for "Baking Days". I don't know how to make bread, which makes the gas oven kind of wasted on me; she was having the devil's own time making their bread in the electric oven at their house. It's kind of a perfect partnership that way.

Our bibles are The Greens Cookbook (mine), the Laurel's Kitchen books (hers, and I'm jealous, but not for long, seeing as there's now a second income in this house...), with a smattering of Ranch House wisdom and Julia Child. (And, of course, the internet.)

Our next big project is the baked goods for the coffee social at church a week from Sunday. Last year I hadn't prepared nearly enough food*. Here's hoping this year is different with an extra set of hands.

Her husband, Matthew, shot a deer last hunting season, so our job is also to help them eat it, since she's getting tired of preparing it. You can all imagine how thrilled my husband was at the prospect of handling and preparing WILD GAME!! Like a kid in a candy store, he got down HIS cookbooks and started downloading recipes for sauces and reductions like a house afire. He's hoping Matthew will bag another one this year, so that the fun will never stop.

I'll keep you posted.

*At least, according to the kids, when we ran out of chocolate chip cookies and all that remained were molasses and applesauce-walnut. The horror!

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