Friday, December 28, 2007

Post-Holiday Meltdown

We've spent the past week eschewing vegetables and grains in favor of Mom's Christmas Treats (you would, too!!!), including, but not limited to, fudge, chocolate chip meringues, peanut-butter bon-bons, kielbasa, cheese - and also cabbage - pierogi (best eaten cold, with your fingers, on Christmas morning while your myriad nieces and nephews disappear in a blizzard of wrapping paper and flying bows), lasagna (which had spinach in it, so that was unavoidable!!), pork roast with cherry coulis, and Rum Cake! All this sandwiched between two days on the road, to AND from, filled with In-n-Out, Pringles (for some reason, I only ever eat these when we travel by car. Any other time, I can't stand the sight of them!), fast-food breakfast sandwiches (Matt, not me. Sometimes I don't even let him eat them in car, I hate them so much!), and a chicken-fried steak that for some God-awful reason sounded like a good idea at the time (see above re: bizarre road-trip munchies). Throughout the car trips, though, I was taking great comfort in V-8's promise of "3 servings of vegetables per bottle!" and pounding them almost continuously.

Even so, we feel a little, how you say, BLOATED, so I'm back in action, trawling Teh Interwebs for some clean-you-out raw-food recipes.

This is good, (I've made it before; it's kind of a more crunchy hummous) and I could even serve it as an appetizer tonight, when Sarah and Matt and Baby Rebekah bring Grandma and Grandpa Harvey for dinner.

This sounds kinda summery, but we DO live in California. Compared to the snowy, blowy weather we encountered over Christmas in Colorado, it's positively tropical, here!

And who doesn't like falafel? (I wish I had a dehydrator.)

We'll see how all of this goes...

(This post has been hastily written out of guilt for the long absence, goaded in part by a new link from the ladies at Barefoot in the Kitchen, which made me realize just how long it's been since I've tended to my OWN virtual kitchen!)


Anne said...

Thanks for the link!

Question, though, how do you know when someone else links to your blog?

Just curious because I haven't figured that out yet...

Anonymous said...

hey erin,
it's good to find someone as obsessed with gingerbread cookies as myself...i def. ate almost half of them in like 3 days..not so good.

are you vegan? i was looking at some of your recipes and though I am very far from vegan, I am still interested in learning how to make the healthy stuff..well..healthier. got any tips?

Erin said...

Anne, I have a site meter from, completely free and easy to install, which keeps track of all the pageloads and visits to my blog, by IP address, city and state, and also if they clicked over from another page. I saw that six people were coming to me from barefoot in the kitchen, and I was curious as to how that happened, and lo and behold, there was my little blog, all linked up on your sidebar! *blush* May I ask how YOU found ME?

Kristine, I am not a vegan, but several of my friends are vegetarian OR vegan, so I learned how to cook "veganese" for their sake. has been an invaluable resource for me, and they have tips on how to make the most non-vegan deliciousness completely vegan, (or what I call "heart healthy", due to the lack of eggs and butter in the baked goods. My father-in-law has high cholesterol, and I like baking things he can partake of.)what with egg subtistutes, and how to avoid butter and milk. They also have lots of hints on technique, and definitions and how-tos for us newbies and posers. (I feel more like the latter, mostly, whipping up a batch of banana-carob muffins while the lamb roast heats away in the oven!)

Hope that helps!

Anne said...

I originally found Nutmeg ages ago from a link she left on Danielle Bean's blog. I enjoyed her blog, so I started reading Sephora's. And then I found yours, but for some reason loading your page used to be a problem for my computer. I came back to visit and found no loading problems at all and a kitchen link - perfect for our little cooking blog. And that is the story.

I really enjoy your writing...I have been sifting through the archives here and there in my spare moments.

Embarrassingly enough I recently installed one of those stat counters to my primary blog, but I apparently still have no idea how to use it!

Anne said...

Oh and P.S. your job sounds really, really cool!