Friday, January 4, 2008

I should retitle this The Hypocrite Chef

So much for getting back on the healthy-eating bandwagon*.

Two nights ago, instead of making cous-cous and a goat cheese salad, I let Matt talk me into ordering a pizza and watching back-to-back Law and Order (via Netflix Watch Instantly program, which is swiftly defeating the purpose of not having a television0.

I think I'm resigned to the fact that we're in hibernation, but that doesn't mean pizza and TV for the rest of the winter. We'll just be a lot less adventurous in the culinary department. For example, today I am making this. AGAIN.

*I did make the tahini sauce, but it came out weird, mostly because I tried to "liven it up" with garlic and parsley, and it ended up tasting...garlicky and parsley-y, and not at all in a good way. :(

1 comment:

Anne said...

I know what you mean about the computer replacing television...we don't have a TV either but some nights it seems like youtube fills in just fine as a replacement (unfortunately). And I'm debating getting Netflix. But sometimes i have to ask why? (one reason, for example, is that I haven't got to see Great Silence yet)